3 questions for captivating more ideal clients

It’s disheartening to put your heart and soul into your content and other marketing efforts only to be ignored by potential prospects you know you can help.

But it doesn’t have to be that way if you know how to create the proper foundation for your marketing and sales messaging.

In my last post, I discussed how we are operating in an Attention Economy where your ability to attract your perfect-fit clients hinges upon your ability to gain and keep their attention.

The trouble is that many coaches and consultants are missing a vital piece of the messaging puzzle.

This is why their messaging fails to get the desired response from content, ads, interviews, presentations, sales pitches, or any other touchpoint meant to further the customer journey.

So what is the missing piece?

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Let's see if you can figure out the critical resource that will turn visibility into a steady stream of best-fit clients eager to work with you.

Attract a steady stream of best-fit clients with this proven strategy

As a coach or consultant, you know firsthand how challenging it can be to attract your ideal clients, especially in light of how many new coaches and consultants have entered the market in recent years.

It’s frustrating when your visibility efforts don’t lead to a steady stream of best-fit clients banging on your door asking to work with you.

How can you ensure your significant investments in visibility aren’t wasted, leaving you scraping and scrounging for good-enough clients?

The first step is understanding that visibility is only the first step and a fraction of what’s needed to win over new clients.

There’s another more vital and valuable resource that must accompany visibility.

Otherwise, you’ll spend valuable time and money on being seen only to find your audience shrugging their shoulders and moving on with their day.

Look at the following story and see if you can figure out the critical resource that will turn visibility into a steady stream of best-fit clients eager to work with you.

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For those of us who want to stand out, charge what we are worth, and beat inflation in 2023, it’s vital to realize three hard truths.

Why many coaches & consultants will struggle in 2023?

For those of us who want to stand out, charge what we are worth, and beat inflation in 2023, it’s vital to realize three hard truths.

Hard Truth #1: Standing out as a coach or consultant and charging what you are worth is more challenging than ever because new coaches and consultants have flooded the market in the past few years, thanks to Covid and the ensuing shifts in how people view their work.

Ask yourself:

  • Is it getting harder to find my ideal clients?
  • Is it getting harder to turn prospects into clients?
  • Is it getting harder to charge what I am worth?
  • Am I struggling to raise my rates to keep up with rapid inflation?

If the answer to any of these is yes, then keep reading.

The Commodity Problem

Hard Truth #2: Most coaches and consultants are commodities.

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I’d like to share with you what I see as one of the most significant opportunities for coaches and consultants to grow their business in 2023.

How to Scale in 2023 as a Coach or Consultant

Today, I’d like to share with you what I see as one of the most significant opportunities for coaches and consultants to grow their business in 2023. This is a necessary shift in thinking and operating that any expert-based business must adopt to grow successfully in today’s crowded market.

First, I’d like to share a quick story to illustrate.

In 2010, I met Dan Sullivan at a networking retreat and had the privilege of sitting through a workshop with him. During the seminar, Dan walked us through a handful of his mental models to upgrade our thinking and uncover growth opportunities in our business. By the end, everyone in attendance was raving about the experience.

I was blown away by how effectively Dan was able to help a roomful of 50 business owners because his tools and methods were so well thought out and organized. Each idea he taught had diagrams, models, and exercises focused on a specific need or challenge experienced by entrepreneurs.
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7 messaging must-haves for selling your course

One of the biggest questions when creating an online course or group program is how to get people to sign up.

In this post, I’ll share with you the keys to attracting the perfect customers, earning their trust, and inspiring them to buy.

But first, take a look at this quote from a client who went from dreading marketing her course to enjoying it.

At first, I felt daunted about how to market my group program. I worried about finding the right people and selling in a way that wouldn’t annoy or overwhelm them. But with your guidance, it felt effortless.

The response to my marketing campaigns has been amazing. I fill my courses easier than ever before, and people actually reply to thank me for my marketing content. They even respond to share very personal things, which moves me so much. You showed me how to market in a way that feels like a gift to the people I work with.

These campaigns generate $10,000 and up while also building a relationship with my audience that feels very meaningful. It’s also brought me more one-on-one clients and professional opportunities. Thanks to your approach, I now enjoy promoting my online courses.

Filling your courses requires crafting a proper customer journey consisting of messaging that does the following.

➡️ Shows that you understand their presenting pains and unfulfilled desires.

➡️ Presents them with a new way to look at their desired outcomes, their current circumstances, and the challenges holding them back. (I call this the Remarkability Factor and it’s crucial)

➡️ Shows how your solution to their top-of-mind needs and wants.

➡️ Answers any questions and removes any concerns that would keep them from investing in your course.

➡️ Uses stories, examples, and case studies to prove that your solution works AND that they are capable of making it work for them.

➡️ Gives them a taste of your process in a way that gives them an ah-ha moment or a quick win.

➡️ Shows them why they are better off investing in your solution now rather than waiting until later. In other words, it illuminates the opportunity cost of not moving forward with your solution in a spirit of service, not with shame or fear.

The goal is to guide your prospects through a set of content or touch points with your brand that conveys these messaging elements using language that is resonant to them.

Filling out your course or online program doesn’t need to be complicated. It doesn’t require using a complex launch or web of marketing channels.