What the U.S. Elections Mean for You, the Influencer and Marketer

Despite the title of this post, my purpose in posting this is not political. Also, it contains relevant lessons for your business and brand whether you live in the U.S. or elsewhere.

I deliberated as to whether or not I should acknowledge the election results in my content, but then I remembered one of the most important pieces of marketing and influence advice ever given.

More on that below…

There are three vital lessons we can pull from the U.S. elections this week. Each of them provides insight and opportunities for you to have a greater impact with your work.

Lesson One: Always enter the conversation already going on in the mind of your customer

This is some of the most important advice you can follow when it comes to marketing and influence. It comes from Robert Collier, renowned copywriter and personal development thought leader in the early 20th century.

The better you understand the thoughts and feelings of your intended audience, and the better you can join them in and communicate those things back to them, the more likely they will be to give you their attention and, with time, trust your leadership.

One of the most powerful ways that we connect as human beings is through shared meaning and common experiences, whether it’s pop culture, cultural traditions, common values or current events. This gives us the feeling of togetherness and belonging that we all need. It helps us feel like we are “all in this together.”

At this moment the world is flooded with the effects and shared experience of the U.S. elections. Emotions are running high. People have a lot of hopes, expectations, and fears right now.

This *IS* the conversation already going on in the mind of the world (and therefore your audience). Speaking to this experience, in whatever way is appropriate to your audience and message, is an invaluable opportunity to connect, gain trust and lead.

Watch for these opportunities in the future, big or small.

You don’t have to be polarizing or share every opinion (though that’s fine if you do), but you MUST be continually aware of the factors that affect the “conversation” in the mind of your intended audience every day.

Lesson Two: Never Forget That You Get to Vote Every Day

We are so fortunate to live in a time when we can share our voice readily and frequently through the Internet and “vote” every day for the kind of world we want to live in.

This week has shown us how many people are desperate to have their voice heard — whether that was in the voting booth on Tuesday or in street protest and other responses since.

Others have are already looking forward to the next time they get to vote and voice their will in future elections.

It’s renewed and amplified my gratitude to have the opportunity to share my voice readily and frequently on the Internet. Each of us has the ability to create and grow a platform thanks to the Internet and the amazing media channels that it enables.

As a self-made influencer on the Internet, you have the opportunity to be heard and “vote” for the future you want with every email you send, piece of content you publish, and training you create.

Lesson Three: The World is Calling You to Action

This election process and its aftermath have reaffirmed how many pains and problems there are to solve in this world. The world needs your voice more than ever. No idea or message is too small.

Whether you’re showing people to eat healthier food, grow their business, further their career, or take on a new hobby…

By growing your platform, influence, and income, you increase your capacity to impact the world we live in.

And that’s not limited to the market/niche that you operate within. You can promote causes. You can donate a percentage of profits to organizations that matter to you and your audience.

So whether your reaction to this week is excitement, devastation, confusion or indifference, let’s harness the energy in the air to renew our commitment to do the work that we feel driven to do.