4 things for consistent business growth

4 things for consistent business growth

Have you ever participated in a mastermind or coaching session where you got excited by the suggestions and advice, only to realize later you didn’t know where to begin to implement?

Hearing the divergent thinking of a group can break open a stagnant business, help us rethink our assumptions about what is possible, and offer a new perspective when we’ve been banging against a locked door.

But then those ideas require action.

When I created the Catalyst Mastermind, it was essential to me that it would be a whole-package kind of experience. It’s not just talking to smart people and hearing their ideas.

A mastermind also needs to give you tools (worksheets, checklists, concise and timely training, etc.) to help you implement the ideas.

It needs to give you support between the group calls so that you don’t get derailed the moment a question arises.

It needs to supply you with a shot of motivation and focus when you’re struggling to find them.

It needs to connect you with people who can help you.

That’s why my Catalyst Mastermind gives you:

  • An entire library of concise training, tools, and templates for a wide variety of business growth strategies (e.g., messaging, content marketing, online courses, lead magnets, sales pages, etc.).
  • Access to email me at any time to ask questions or get feedback to work through a stumbling block.
  • 1:1 phone calls with me to get personalized guidance.
  • Co-working sessions with your mastermind friends to provide motivation, focus, and accountability.
  • Networking sessions with the kind of people who can amplify your results.

Bigger and Faster Growth =

  1. Strategic Guidance +
  2. Targeted Tools +
  3. Continued Support +
  4. Valuable Connection

Catalyst provides you with all of this and more in addition to the group mastermind meetings.

All of this serves to evolve your business and accelerate your progress to the next level.

The window is closing to apply for Catalyst, and I am only accepting ten people.

Click here to get the details and apply.

“Jason has developed such a powerful process that he delivers with humor, encouraging each participant to be engaged and ensuring that everyone is supported fully. Jason goes way beyond what one would expect by offering extra support, both live and through email. In addition to being kind and caring, he is incredibly knowledgeable.”

-Dominique Mas, Group Coaching HQ