7 Ways Group Coaching Offers Amplify Your Impact and Income

Are you looking for a way to scale your income and impact without charging more or working harder?

Every coach or consultant reaches that point when they realize they are up against a wall or will hit a wall in the near future.

As long as you are selling time for money to individual clients, you will face a limitation on the impact and income you can generate.

This is why I am passionate about helping coaches and consultants like you package and sell their unique genius through scalable offers such as group coaching rather than only offering one-to-one engagements.

Let’s look at seven reasons why group coaching will amplify your impact and income (and why you are losing money until you add it to your business model).

seven reasons why group coaching will amplify your impact and income

📈 1) Scale Your Income

Group coaching allows you to work with more people with less of your time and energy.

Even though you charge less for group coaching, you make more money for each hour of client work.

Let’s look at an example from one of my clients.

She charges 9k to work with a client one-to-one over three months. That’s 13 weeks. She spends about 2 hours per week on each client.

With a bit of math, we see that she earns…

9000/13/2 = $346 an hour

Her group program allows her to work with ten people over three months. She charges $3000 for the group program. She spends about four hours a week working on her group program.

In this scenario, she makes

3000*10/13/4 = $577 an hour

She increased her per-hour rate for client work by 60% from $346 to $577 an hour.

By charging less and working fewer hours with clients, she makes more money.

👊 2) Amplify Your Impact

Group coaching allows you to work with more clients with less time and energy, increasing the number of people you impact over your career.

🌟 3) Deliver Better Results More Consistently

Group coaching delivers better and more consistent client results by fostering peer learning and accountability, providing multiple perspectives, creating a sense of community, and offering a more dynamic and engaging learning experience.

An analysis of 17 studies published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology found that group coaching was more effective than individual coaching in improving job performance.

The analysis found that group coaching led to greater improvements in knowledge, skills, and attitudes than individual coaching.

⏳4) Deliver Greater Value with Less Time and Effort

With group coaching, your clients pay less to get similar results. That alone increases the value they receive for their investment.

In addition, group coaching provides community, better accountability, and a more engaging learning environment.

Gaining increased value for less money is a compelling offer for your prospects.

💸 5) Convert Price-Sensitive Prospects

The cost savings of group coaching can be a significant selling point for coaches, particularly in markets where price sensitivity is high.

Group coaching provides a more affordable option for clients who may not be able to afford one-to-one coaching, allowing you to serve a wider range of clients.

This is especially compelling in today’s economic climate, where your prospects are being careful with what they spend.

😊 6) Eradicate Burnout

Group coaching can lead to less burnout by reducing your workload and allowing you to serve more clients simultaneously without compromising results.

This can help you avoid the physical and emotional strain of one-to-one coaching, enabling you to sustain your energy and motivation over time.

🗓 7) Retain Clients for Longer

Clients participating in a group coaching program are more likely to stay engaged and motivated, leading to longer-term coaching relationships.

This increases the income you generate from each client and the value you deliver to each of them over time.

The sense of community and accountability fostered by group coaching can also enhance client satisfaction, leading to higher retention rates.

When you add a belonging and community to your offers, your clients will stick around longer and pay you more to maintain their connection with the people you bring together.

As a coach or consultant, your income and impact are limited when you rely solely on one-to-one engagements.

Group coaching can help you scale your income and impact without working harder or charging more.

With the seven benefits outlined above, you can see how group coaching can increase your per-hour rate for client work, amplify your impact, deliver better results more consistently, deliver greater value with less time and effort, convert price-sensitive prospects, eradicate burnout, and retain clients longer.