This is Your Greatest Asset for Growth, Mastery and Impact

“I realized I’ve been trying to work on my weaknesses too much and not leveraging my strengths enough.”

That was the message I got this morning from a new client. I’m elated because this single insight will have a huge transformational impact on every aspect of her business and body of work.

Your strengths and unique genius are your greatest asset, not only for reaching your most important goals but also for making the greatest impact on others and securing the greatest fulfillment for you.

When you align your pursuits with your strengths, it infuses everything with a sense of ease. The results of your efforts amplify exponentially.

This is why I always spend some time with my clients exploring their strengths and unique genius before we dive into their business strategy. Read more

The Real Reason Entrepreneurs Struggle to Find the Time to Do the Unique-Genius Work They Love

I hear business owners frequently say things like…

“My business never allows me the time I need to do the work I love most. There’s always a launch to do, decisions to make, and things to manage.”


“If I could only hire the right team and automate my sales funnel, I’d finally be able to properly focus on the work that will have the biggest impact.”

I sympathize with these frustrations. I’ve felt them myself even recently.

However, these statements miss the real reason why they are struggling to do their unique-genius work and realize their vision of having bigger reach, influence, and impact as a thought leader at the top of their industry.

Evergreen Sales Funnels, Automated Systems, and a Bigger Team Are Not the Answer

In response to these frustrations, I often see business owners decide they need evergreen sales funnels, automated systems, a more effective team, and productivity hacks to free up their time and energy. Read more

The Most Common Barriers to Growing Impact and Income with Your Ideas

My first marketing school was a brown 1988 Buick that I bought from my Grandma for $1500.

The velvety bench seat in the back was always littered with tapes and CDs by consummate marketers like Dan Kennedy.

It was 2002. During my commute to and from work, I’d listen to the audios to gain ideas for marketing my alternative rock band, Desmo.

That’s how I learned the three M’s of marketing.

The 3 M’s of Marketing

Message, market, and media.

Put the right message, in front of the right market using the right media.

These days, we have so many shiny new marketing tools and methods, it’s easy to forget the fundamentals.

In this series, we’ve been chatting about the common barriers that can keep your business from growing.

In this post, I list the most common business growth barriers to help you identify the greatest opportunities for boosting your income and impact. Read more

3 Common Mistakes that Will Hinder the Growth of Your Business and the Impact of Your Work

Confession time! I’m avoiding the ginormous task of deciding which schools to apply my daughter to for kindergarten this fall. The system here in Manhattan is overwhelming, even for the public schools!

So instead, I’m writing this post to chat more about growing your business – a much more enjoyable task :).

Maybe you can relate to my overwhelm. Our business sometimes feels like our child. “Raising it” to be happy, healthy and growing can be overwhelming.

So, let’s continue our chat about how to grow your business so you can survive the big shifts taking place online. Read more

The Uncomfortable Truth about Growing Your Business

Let’s talk about how to grow your business to the next level.

First, let’s discuss what to do if you are:

  • Hustling too hard and making too little money
  • Struggling to attract enough leads and customers
  • Attracting the wrong customers and clients
  • No longer fulfilled by a business you once loved
  • Hitting an income plateau and don’t know how to get to the next level
  • Cycling through boom and bust periods, doing launch after launch, without predictable monthly revenue coming in

If any of that resonates, then keep reading. We’re going to talk about the uncomfortable truth that keeps so many businesses from growing (and even dooms many to fail).

Each of the bullet points above is a symptom that your business has hit a growth barrier. Read more