What the U.S. Elections Mean for You, the Influencer and Marketer

Despite the title of this post, my purpose in posting this is not political. Also, it contains relevant lessons for your business and brand whether you live in the U.S. or elsewhere.

I deliberated as to whether or not I should acknowledge the election results in my content, but then I remembered one of the most important pieces of marketing and influence advice ever given.

More on that below…

There are three vital lessons we can pull from the U.S. elections this week. Each of them provides insight and opportunities for you to have a greater impact with your work.

Lesson One: Always enter the conversation already going on in the mind of your customer

This is some of the most important advice you can follow when it comes to marketing and influence. It comes from Robert Collier, renowned copywriter and personal development thought leader in the early 20th century. Read more

Which of These Three Things is Limiting Your Business Growth?

“Why isn’t my business growing as fast as I’d like?”

This is essentially the primary question I get from my clients. It might not be in those exact words. In fact, the thing they initially come to me for is typically a symptom of another underlying problem. The good news is the core problem or problems are typically easy to identify if you know where to look.

In order to find the biggest opportunity for growth in my clients’ businesses, I start by getting a clear picture of their business in three areas.

I call this the success trifecta. If one or more of these things is lacking, your progress and growth will slow or even stall completely.

And in my experience, there are always things to be done in each of these area to immediately generate more growth and income. It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out or already making seven figures a  year. But we all need that outside perspective at times to uncover the missing link.

In this post, I’ll outline the Success Trifecta for you. Then, I’d like to give you an opportunity to apply for a FREE strategy call with me to discuss find the your fastest path to faster growth along with a few simple tweaks that will immediate accelerate your results. Read more

The Influencer’s Toolkit: 7 Essentials for Changing the World

Imagine hundreds, thousands or millions of lives blessed by your story.

Imagine your message spread far and wide.

Imagine consistently producing ideas that improve the world.

Imagine all the good that you will do.

The world needs you to fully amplify your creative work. I want to help you do that.

And when I say creative work I mean any…

  • Thought
  • Story
  • Idea
  • Or piece of content

…that you have or will share with another person.

We all have creative work in us.

There’s never been a better time to make your mark on the world.

The Internet and mobile technology give you an unprecedented ability to get attention, share your message and make an impact.

How to Change the World

For the last ten years, I’ve worked with entrepreneurs, content creators and thought leaders to help them build an online presence.

Each of them started with a desire to change their life and change the world. Read more