Filling your courses without being sales-y

Filling your courses without being sales-y

Today, I want to share some tips for promoting your online course in a way that inspires people to buy without resorting to annoying sales tactics.

First, I’d like to share a quote from my client, Alexandra, that illustrates what happens when you craft a campaign that truly resonates with your intended audience.

“In the beginning, it felt daunting to write so many emails. I worried I was going to overwhelm people or they would get sick of me. But with your guidance, it felt effortless.

The response to my marketing campaigns has been amazing. I fill my courses easier than ever before, and people actually reply to thank me for the emails. They even respond to share very personal things, which moves me so much. You showed me how to make my marketing campaigns feel like a gift.

These campaigns generate $10,000 and up while also building a relationship with my audience that feels very meaningful. It’s brought me more one-on-one clients and professional opportunities. Thanks to your approach, I now enjoy promoting my online courses.”

Filling your courses requires a proper marketing campaign. But that doesn’t mean you have to do a pushy, complicated product launch.

The secret is to take your audience on a journey. Send a sequence of around five emails that does the following.

  1. Shows that you understand their presenting pains and unfulfilled desires.
  2. Ties your solution to their top-of-mind needs and wants.
  3. Answers any questions and removes any concerns that would keep them from investing in your course.
  4. Explains how your solution is better than any other option available to them.
  5. Uses stories, examples, and case studies as proof that your solution works.
  6. Gives them a taste of your process in a way that gives them an ah-ha moment or a quick win.
  7. Shows them why they are better off investing in your solution now rather than waiting until later. Illuminate the opportunity cost of not moving forward.

In the Launch Your Course group coaching program (starting next week), I give you templates for creating emails and sales pages even if you aren’t a copywriter and hate selling.

I show you how to uncover the exact language that will inspire your ideal customers to buy.

I help you craft an email sequence that fills your course while also strengthening the relationship with your audience.

I show you how to set up an automated sales system to attract and convert your ideal customers consistently.

By the end of the eight-week program, you will have created a new online course in addition to having everything you need to fill your course.

The things you learn and the resources you create during Launch Your Course will boost the sales of your other offers as well.

Enrollment is open now and closes on Friday. We start next week. Spots are limited so that I can give a lot of attention to each participant.

Get the details and enroll in Launch Your Course here.

If you have questions or want to talk about whether this program is the right fit for you, feel free to reach out here.