Find gaps in your messaging with this mini-assessment

Today, I’m sharing a mini-assessment to help you find gaps in your messaging, so you can attract and enroll more ideal clients in your programs

This assessment is based on the three R’s of the Preeminent Positioning framework I shared in my previous blog post. Let’s quickly review the three R’s and how they play a vital role in creating irresistible messaging.

3 R’s of Preeminent Positioning


Relevance is about quickly gaining the attention of your ideal prospects by connecting with a pain, goal, or challenge that they are:

a) aware of…

b) actively looking to solve, and…

c) ready to invest in solving.


Resonance is about building trust by showing you share values and a common sense of meaning with your intended audience.


Remarkability differentiates your message from the prevailing wisdom in the market, gives them a new way to look at the problem, and shows why your solution is the best option.

Enrolling More Clients with Preeminent Positioning

Here’s how the three R’s play key roles in your customer journey. If any of the three is missing or misaligned, your messaging won’t be nearly as effective at attracting and enrolling your ideal clients.

Relevance > Gain Attention > Remarkability > Keep Attention > Resonance > Earn Trust > Inspire to Buy > Impact + Income

Preeminent Positioning Mini-Assessment

Relevance Questions

  1. Is your messaging directed to your best-fit prospects, or is it too broad and general?
  2. Do your ideal clients immediately recognize (within seconds) that your messaging relates to one of their most significant concerns?
  3. Before presenting your solution, do you show you understand your best-fit prospect’s pains, goals, and challenges?
  4. Do you consistently reassess and realign the relevance of your message to account for shifts in the marketplace?

Resonance Questions

  1. Do you share aspects of your life and personality that create a sense of shared meaning with your intended audience?
  2. Do you use the same language your intended audience uses to describe their experience and goals?
  3. Do you share your vision, values, and mission in your messaging?

Remarkability Questions

  1. Do you show how your solution is different and better than other options your ideal prospects might consider?
  2. Does your messaging give your ideal prospects a new way to look at their problem?
  3. Does your messaging challenge or add to the prevailing thinking in the marketplace?
  4. Have you created and branded a proprietary method you spotlight in your messaging?

How did you do? Which of the three R’s can you focus on more to get better results from your messaging?