3 questions for captivating more ideal clients

It’s disheartening to put your heart and soul into your content and other marketing efforts only to be ignored by potential prospects you know you can help.

But it doesn’t have to be that way if you know how to create the proper foundation for your marketing and sales messaging.

In my last post, I discussed how we are operating in an Attention Economy where your ability to attract your perfect-fit clients hinges upon your ability to gain and keep their attention.

The trouble is that many coaches and consultants are missing a vital piece of the messaging puzzle.

This is why their messaging fails to get the desired response from content, ads, interviews, presentations, sales pitches, or any other touchpoint meant to further the customer journey.

So what is the missing piece?

Preeminent Positioning

Positioning is how you are perceived by the market you want to reach (or whether they even stop to pay attention in the first place.)

Positioning sets the context for all interactions with your intended audience.

It affects every aspect of marketing and sales messaging. When your positioning is strong, your marketing and sales messaging work.

When you’re positioning is incomplete or weak, your marketing and sales will struggle.

“Always enter the conversation already taking place in the mind of your prospect.” —Robert Collier


3 Questions for Preeminent Positioning

Preeminent Positioning is a framework that helps you create strong positioning by answers three key questions every prospect asks when deciding whether to lean in, pay attention, and take action.

  1. Relevance: Is this relevant to a top-of-mind concern I’m actively seeking to solve or improve?
  2. Resonance: Does this align with my view of the world and myself? Does it connect with my values and sense of meaning?
  3. Remarkability: Is this different and better than other options available, or does it fall into a category I have already tried or considered?

Here’s a preview of how the three R’s of Preeminent Positioning will lead you to increased impact and income.

Relevance > Gain Attention > Remarkability > Keep Attention > Resonance > Earn Trust > Inspire to Buy > Impact + Income

In my next post, we will take a closer look at these three elements to help you craft messaging that will dependably and effortlessly gain your perfect clients’ attention, trust, and buy-in.

This will make it much easier to choose the right interview pitch, lead magnet, ad copy, offer framing, content topics, and more.

Your marketing and sales efforts will get easier and more effective once you nail this.

In the meantime, I’d like to hear from you. Which of the three R’s in the Preeminent Positioning framework are you most curious to hear more about?

How would it help you stand out and clearly communicate your value to the market?