Your unique genius and the far reaches of the universe

On December 25, 2021, one of the most ambitious human pursuits in modern history reached a significant milestone.

Spanning 30 years.
Costing 10 billion dollars.
Involving 1200 scientists, engineers, and technicians from 14 countries.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched from French Guiana, beginning a journey to a point one million miles from earth.

(Set your inbox to display images if you can’t see the photo below. Trust me, it’s worth the impressive sight.)

With 100 times the power of the Hubble Telescope, it set out on a mission to look farther into space than we’d ever seen, peering into the origins of our universe.

Tens of thousands watched nervously over the following weeks, praying none of the 344 potential points of failure would occur, any of which would render the telescope useless with no possibility of repair.

In February, the scientists could finally breathe easier after receiving the first image back from the telescope.

It wasn’t much to look at…yet. The image consisted of eighteen images of the same star. Each one was captured by one of the telescope’s eighteen honeycomb-shaped mirrors. But the mirrors were not yet aligned and in focus.

The careful alignment process began. The scientists aimed the telescope at a single star to help them make the fine adjustments.

Finally, in February, the first aligned image returned from the telescope. Not only was the alignment successful, but the captured resolution surpassed expectations.

This got me thinking about the many brilliant experts I’ve worked with.

When we begin our work together, their body of work is a collection of ideas, opportunities, income streams, and other assets. It resembles the out-of-alignment JWST image.

Each star image represents a single manifestation of their unique genius.

The telescope mirrors each represents a piece of the business model: positioning, messaging, value proposition, intended audience, product offers, marketing channels, and so on.

The alignment of those “mirrors” determines the capacity of their business to focus and share their unique genius with the world.

When these mirrors are out of alignment, it limits the impact of their ideas.

When the mirrors of your business model are aligned, the impact and income generated become far more brilliant.

Like the aligned JWST mirrors, an aligned business model opens up a vast universe of possibilities. It shines your body of work like a brilliant star spreading its light far and wide, much like what we see in the aligned image from the JWST.

Just like the scientists who designed the JWST, you’ve put significant time and energy into your body of work and business. A lot of experimentation got you to where you are today.

But then there comes a time to take it to the next level to get the most out of your investment, so the world can benefit from what your body of work has to offer.

*Creating an online course is a powerful strategy for aligning your business model.*

Focusing on designing a scalable course is like aiming your telescope at a single star to align all the mirrors.

By focusing your unique genius on an online course (or group program), you sharpen and align your business model.

Then your brand and ideas can reach farther, make a bigger impact, and generate more income.

Here’s what one client had to say about creating her first online course.

“I have a fairly ‘portfolio career.’ I choreograph, direct, teach, do private client work, mentor, and write. Creating a course illuminated a throughline for my work. It clarified so many different aspects of my career and what I want to be doing. The course has made my brand clearer to me and my audience, in a way that feels very truthful, authentic, and close to my heart.”

Next Thursday, April 7, I’m running a workshop to show you how you can turn your existing intellectual property into an online course quickly.

I’ll show you how to avoid tech headaches, months of content creation, and doing a complicated launch.

4 Steps for Launching an Online Course Fast and
Amplify Your Impact and Income
4-5 PM Eastern Time / 1-2 PM Pacific Time

Click here to register for the master class for free.

See you there!