A wake-up call this week in the form of feedback given to me about my new podcast which launches later this month

They called me out and they were right

I had a wake-up call this week in the form of feedback given to me about my new podcast which launches later this month. There’s a valuable lesson in it for any content creator, so I’d like to share it with you.

Let me give you just a bit of setup first.

Here’s the deal. I’m feeling some pressure when it comes to this new show. I had a wildly successful podcast for twelve years, then I went on podcasting hiatus for a few years.

Now, I have high expectations of myself to start strong with this new show as I step back on to the podcasting stage.

There’s nothing wrong with stretching one’s self to reach higher. But it seems maybe I took it a little too far.

I researched.

I backed my ideas up with stats.

I created a framework to make the content actionable.

I kept it all within a nice concise 19 minutes.

I scripted the content (something I’ve never done with a podcast before).

I spent hours writing and re-writing the episode to get it “just right.”

It was those last two that did me in.

Here’s the feedback I received this week from two separate people after they listened to an advance version of episode one. Read more

Do you ever suffer from this entrepreneurial malady?

Do you ever suffer from this entrepreneurial malady?

Putting yourself and your ideas out there for the masses can ironically be a lonely business at times.

You sit in your home office wrestling with decisions, wishing you had someone who could jump in the ring with you, even for a moment, so that you don’t have to bear the entire weight of those decisions alone.

You have the freedom of choosing your own path and yet you feel adrift in an ocean of possibilities with nobody to help you choose where to navigate next.

Even if you have a team, you can still feel alone as a leader with nobody to talk to who feels the same pressures, has the same kind of vision and understands the nature of your day-to-day journey.

To succeed, we all need fresh perspectives to shine a light on our blind spots.

We all need consistent feedback both to push us further as well as to remind us how far we have come.

We all need a safe place to share the real struggles of entrepreneurship and thought leadership with those who understand. Read more

11 Ways to Stand Out as a Unique Voice in Your Industry

11 Ways to Stand Out as a Unique Voice in Your Industry

I’ve got a question fo you.

On a scale of 1 to 10…

How are you doing at creating thought leadership content that stands out and establishes you as a unique voice in your industry?

As I rapidly approach the launch of my new podcast in January, I’ve been checking out the podcast and content landscape to see what’s out there and how I can bring something different to the table.

What I have noticed is that a lot of content creators show up at a 4 or 5, perhaps a 7 at best, when it comes to creating content with a unique approach and voice.

That’s why they get lost in the sea of sameness on the Internet.

But that’s not you!

You didn’t start your brand and business just to get lost in the noise. Read more

rule of marketing

The #1 Rule of Marketing


Always enter the conversation already taking place in the customer’s mind.” — Robert Collier


Earlier this week I was at dinner with friends where a variety of conversations were taking place at the table. My attention was suddenly pulled to a conversation about yoga.

Now, the truth is that yoga as a topic would not normally grab my attention. I think yoga’s great, but it’s not really a top-of-mind interest for me. Normally, my mind would have filtered this conversation out and my focus would have remained on the interaction I was already a part of.

However, this yoga conversation was different. My friend was recounting a recent experience where she ran a workshop for veterans to help them process trauma stored in their bodies through restorative yoga. She explained how one participant had a big emotional release at the end of the workshop as her body let go of anxiety and tension that had long been stored in her muscles.

That got my attention.

I immediately switched my focus to her story. Ever since I read The Body Keeps the Score last year, processing trauma through movement has been at the top of my mind as something that could help me and others close to me to improve mental health. Read more

Boost your revenue from any offer by 20%+ with this strategy

When looking for the highest ROI ways to grow your income as a thought leader, there are often low-hanging fruit opportunities that get easily overlooked.

These are opportunities that require little additional effort or work on your part and can be implemented with minimal changes to your existing product offers, marketing, and sales process.

Earlier this week, I was on a consulting call with the purpose of looking over a business owner’s revenue model to find just such an opportunity for her.

One stuck out at me right away that I would like to share with you because it’s something you can easily apply to your offers. In my experience, this technique boosts the income you generate from that offer by 20% or more.

In this case, the primary source of income for the individual on the call is high-end, high-touch coaching and consulting program where her clients pay for several months of training, personalized guidance, and hands-on feedback.

This offer costs several thousand euros. She doesn’t have any offers at lower price-points. As a result, this excludes a good portion of her list from being able to do business with her because they can’t afford it.

My advice to her was to add a second tier to this high-end offer, one that included the training, tools, and access to the community but didn’t include access to her guidance.

This would do two things. First, it would create an offer that is accessible to those who can’t afford the higher price. Second, it would allow her to make additional revenue from an existing program in a way that doesn’t require more time from her to maintain it. Read more