A List of Free Things That Might Help Right Now

A List of Free Things That Might Help Right Now

I hope you’re staying healthy and safe.

Over the past week, I’ve curated a collection of resources (most of them free) that could help during this challenging time. I’d like to share them with you today. I’ve put a $ next to the two that cost a bit of money (no affiliate links).

Also, next week I’ll send out some training that I normally charge but that I’ve now made free. It will help you identify exactly what you should do next in your business to serve your customers and bring in income. Watch for it.

Now, here’s my List of Things That Might Help Right Now.

FocusMate – Find Virtual Working Partners for Accountability and Connection [APP]

Focusmate, started by my friend Taylor, has been making it easy for people to connect with others to co-work virtually for years now. His platform was already useful, even more so now. Read more

Here are four useful tools and techniques that can help you uncover your unique voice as a thought leader to stand out in your industry.

How to Uncover Your Unique Voice as a Thought Leader

In 1994, my brother and I started our first garageband. Spillway was our name (don’t ask me why).

We would set up in my parents’ basement and thrash about, banging the drums and crunching chords on the guitar, essentially knocking off of the popular grunge sound of the time.

Our first song was an “approximation” of a Stone Temple Pilots tune. Our next was a loose rip off of Rage Against the Machine.

Without a doubt, we sounded like hundreds of other garagebands playing in their parents’ basements, all of us borrowing liberally from the popular rock bands on the radio. But we had to start somewhere. This is the creative process of discovering one’s creative voice.

Much like writing songs, creating content and sharing your ideas online is an expression of your unique voice.

To find your own style, your own voice, you often start by mimicking the voice of others. You experiment. You put in your reps. Bit by bit you uncover the elements that make up the fullest expression of who you are, the things that set you apart from others who do or say similar things. Read more

11 Ways to Stand Out as a Unique Voice in Your Industry

11 Ways to Stand Out as a Unique Voice in Your Industry

I’ve got a question fo you.

On a scale of 1 to 10…

How are you doing at creating thought leadership content that stands out and establishes you as a unique voice in your industry?

As I rapidly approach the launch of my new podcast in January, I’ve been checking out the podcast and content landscape to see what’s out there and how I can bring something different to the table.

What I have noticed is that a lot of content creators show up at a 4 or 5, perhaps a 7 at best, when it comes to creating content with a unique approach and voice.

That’s why they get lost in the sea of sameness on the Internet.

But that’s not you!

You didn’t start your brand and business just to get lost in the noise. Read more

Boost your revenue from any offer by 20%+ with this strategy

When looking for the highest ROI ways to grow your income as a thought leader, there are often low-hanging fruit opportunities that get easily overlooked.

These are opportunities that require little additional effort or work on your part and can be implemented with minimal changes to your existing product offers, marketing, and sales process.

Earlier this week, I was on a consulting call with the purpose of looking over a business owner’s revenue model to find just such an opportunity for her.

One stuck out at me right away that I would like to share with you because it’s something you can easily apply to your offers. In my experience, this technique boosts the income you generate from that offer by 20% or more.

In this case, the primary source of income for the individual on the call is high-end, high-touch coaching and consulting program where her clients pay for several months of training, personalized guidance, and hands-on feedback.

This offer costs several thousand euros. She doesn’t have any offers at lower price-points. As a result, this excludes a good portion of her list from being able to do business with her because they can’t afford it.

My advice to her was to add a second tier to this high-end offer, one that included the training, tools, and access to the community but didn’t include access to her guidance.

This would do two things. First, it would create an offer that is accessible to those who can’t afford the higher price. Second, it would allow her to make additional revenue from an existing program in a way that doesn’t require more time from her to maintain it. Read more

3 insidious ways monetization shyness is killing your business

To continue our recent content about monetizing your expertise, I want to talk today about “monetization shyness” — something that will greatly hinder your ability to generate income if you don’t identify and fix it.

The danger is that we often don’t realize we’re doing it.

Monetization shyness typically shows up in three forms. Take a look to see which ones might be biting you.

1) Not Selling to Your Audience At All

For years, I — and I’m certain other colleagues — counseled Pat Flynn, popular marketing expert, author, and speaker, that he needed to sell his own courses. At the time, Pat’s income was entirely derived from affiliate commissions. Even though he was doing quite well, it was severely limiting his income growth potential and leaving his business at risk because his sources of income were all ultimately outside of his control. Read more