The Only 3 Ways to Grow Your Income and Impact

How can you know what to focus on in your business in order to produce the greatest new growth?

It can be hard to decide where to invest your limited resources with so many options available to you. As a result, we easily end up overwhelmed, spread too thin, or focused on the wrong areas.

The best way to make your growth strategy clearer, more focused, and more effective is to first realize that there are only three ways to grow your revenue and deliver greater value to your audience: attract more leads, convert more leads, or boost lifetime customer value.

There is a myriad of tactics and strategies you can adopt, but all of them fall into one of these three areas. It’s important to first know which of these three is most important at a given moment based on the stage your business is in and your current goals.

Let’s take a closer look at these three areas and when it’s best to prioritize each one.

1) Attract More Leads

Typically this means building your email list of prospective customers and loyal audience members.

We often think of branding and visibility for growing our business, but these are only effective if they start people on a customer journey with your brand (i.e. they become a targeted lead). This is the first place to focus on a new business that doesn’t yet have a steady flow of leads.

Attracting more leads consists of launching new content marketing channels, putting into place paid ad campaigns, organic SEO, and PR to name a few. Read more

there are seven different income streams you can create with an online courses

3 New Ways to Generate Income with Online Courses

It’s no secret that digital courses are a great way to monetize your ideas and expertise.

But did you know there are seven different income streams you can create with an online course? Understanding these strategies opens up possibilities for growing your business using existing intellectual property.

Often, you can use more than one strategy with a single course offering.

Today, I’d like to share with you three of the seven often-overlooked strategies that I teach my clients and workshop students. The following is pulled from Launch Your Course — one of my online courses.

Strategy #1: Customer/Client Attraction

Online courses are a low-risk, low-cost way for a new customer to do business with you for the first time. It’s a lot easier for someone to invest in a lower-priced offering than it is to invest in services that cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

The course gives them a taste of what you can do, earns their trust, and preps them to invest even more in your other products and services.

Small Biz Trends reports that you are 14x more likely to sell to someone who has already bought from you before. They are willing to spend a lot more money the next time they do business with you, too. Read more