Here’s the key to charging what you’re worth

Here’s one of the biggest problems I see keeping coaches and consultants from selling as many courses and programs as they’d like or charging the price they know their program deserves.

⛔️ Not establishing the value and justifying the prospect’s investment so they can charge what they know they are worth.

2 Essential Ingredients to Charge What You’re Worth

Your program must feel like an investment to your ideal prospect, not a cost or risk. Otherwise, they won’t move forward in working with you.

It’s important to note that their investment goes beyond the price of your program. It includes the time and resources they will need to invest to get results.

To charge the price you know your program is worth, it’s your responsibility to help them understand two things:

1️⃣ How their investment will produce an ROI and…

2️⃣ Why it will likely cost them more in the long-term to continue with the status quo (i.e., not sign up for your program) or pursue a different path to their desired outcome.

Price Justification Case Study

For example, I have a client who sells a course about how to navigate divorce. The course helps people better understand and prepare for the four parts of the divorce process in a compassionate and stress-free way.

💰Right now, the course costs $350. (I think she can charge more.)

💵 Most good divorce lawyers charge that much or more per hour.

🛟 Her course will easily save her students from multiple billed hours with a lawyer navigating the same things, amounting to hundreds or more in savings, not to mention the stress it will save them.

📈 Therefore, there is a clear ROI to taking her course. $350 saves them hundreds (or thousands) of dollars, hours of time, and tons of stress and uncertainty.

We started clarifying this in her messaging to help people see they had far more to lose by *not* taking her course. Anyone who is the right fit for her course is better off investing $350.

When I pointed this out, not only did her confidence in the course go up, but it made the sales messaging much more effective.

How can you, in the spirit of service-oriented consultation, help your prospects see that your program is an investment, not a cost?

This approach to messaging also encourages people to buy sooner rather than later without resorting to obnoxious or fear-based scarcity and urgency tactics.

Do this, and watch your sales go up.