I’m going to show you how you can get people enrolled in a pilot course in the next few weeks even if this is your first course and you don’t feel like you have anybody to promote the course to.

How to Attract Your Ideal Customers Without a List

Have you ever wondered how to get people to enroll for your class when you might not have a big email list (or any email list) or a large online following?

We’re going to talk about that in this email.

So far in this email series, we’ve talked about how to get a pilot course launched quickly, especially because there are a lot of people looking for online education right now.

Today, I’m going to show you how you can get people enrolled in a pilot course in the next few weeks even if this is your first course and you don’t feel like you have anybody to promote the course to.

Here are the steps to follow.

1) Identify the Toothache Pain

Here’s the important thing to realize.

There are people in your intended audience online looking for answers, leadership, insight, hope, and clarity every day.

You just need to know where to go to get your offer in front of the right people in a way that will grab their attention right away.

The secret is to talk about what I call their “toothache pain.”

When you have a toothache, you set up an appointment right away with a dentist because the pain is so present and you don’t want it to get worse.

What is the equivalent of a “toothache pain” for your intended audience as it relates to your expertise?

What are they actively looking for help with? Right now, it’s especially important to recognize and help with pains in the context of what they are dealing with due to COVID-19 and quarantine.

Don’t come out of the gate talking about your solution. Start by empathizing with the pain. Then help them understand the problem better. Then give them some guidance and insight.

For my client, Alexandra, she noticed that a lot of performance artists and movement practitioners were expressing frustration about being unable to get into a studio to move, rehearse, and create. Isolation was taking a toll on their artistic expression. This was their toothache pain.

2) Create an Immensely Valuable Resource

Once you identify the toothache pain, create a checklist, guide, template, or other tools that give them some immediate insight, hope, and direction.

This could be a simple checklist or guide. Creating and sharing a resource like this gives you a way to gain the attention of those who are likely to be most interested in getting your help and then signing up for your pilot.

Alexandra put together a guide with encouragement, ideas, and resources to help her audience find connection, movement, and artistic expression while in quarantine.

3) Share Your Resource to Generate Interest

At this point, the goal is to find a handful of people who are candidates to sign up for your pilot by using your valuable resource to get their attention and earn their trust.

Here’s a list of ways to share your resource.

A) Share on Social Media

Publish a post that lets people know about your valuable resources. Ask them to comment if they are interested. Then follow up with them to send them the send the resource. Here is an example of how I did this on Facebook.

B) Partner with Someone to Share Your Resource

Alexandra was able to put in place a partnership with an educational organization that was eager to get valuable content and training out to their email list.

C) Reach Out to Past or Current Clients

Ask if they would like you to send over your new resource.

D) Post to Online Groups

Again, ask who would be interested in getting your new resource. Be sure to follow group guidelines and rules.

E) Ask for Referrals

Let people in your network and on social media know that you have created resources and are looking for people who would be interested in getting a copy for free.

F) Organize a Networking Call

Everyone is looking for ways to replace the usual in-person events where we network and do business. Be a connector. Bring people together online to discuss the issue and what you’ve talked about in your resource.

Using the methods above, Alexandra found 300+ people who were interested in her resource. Many of these people also signed up for her email list. This helped her fill her new offers and has brought in a number of other incoming producing opportunities because it put her top-of-mind with her intended audience.

The Bottom Line

When you identify a toothache pain, people will be eager for any help you can offer.

Sharing your valuable resource is the perfect way to generate a hot list of people who are likely to be interested in your pilot offer.

With a bit of follow up, a percentage of those people will happily enroll in the pilot. This is also a great way to grow your email list.

Using the methods we’ve discussed in this email series, you can launch and fill a pilot offer in a matter of weeks.


My goal in this series of posts has been to give you more clarity and confidence about how to launch a pilot course or other online offer to create a new stream quickly, easily, and with little risk…and even if you are just getting started building your audience.

I’m thrilled to have shared with you my the steps for uncovering a profitable idea, creating a pilot offer, and attracting your first paying customers.

When you know the right way to identify what your market wants and how to create the value they are eager to get their hands on, generating new income with online offers is within your reach much faster than most assume.

Launching an online course or offer generates new income, strengthens your business for the future, frees you from trading time for money.

But there are a number of mistakes to be aware of.

And sometimes, we just need help getting out of our own way.

Imagine if you had an experienced guide to help you every step of the way.

Imagine having someone to help you avoid the common pitfalls and clear out the confusion.

Imagine having exact templates and tools that take all the guesswork out of the process.

Imagine having all of that in as little as eight weeks.

Join Launch Your Course here and I’ll get you started right away. Eight weeks from now, you’ll have a course live and selling.

I’m limiting this program to 30 people to ensure I can give everyone a high level of guidance.


Launch an Online Course Workshop 3-part series:

How to Find Profitable Opportunities During COVID-19
4 Steps to Launch an Online Course in 3 Weeks
How to Attract Your Ideal Customers Without a List