Create industry-leading ideas like Brené Brown and James Clear

Have you ever wondered how top industry leaders create ideas that stand out and make a big impact?

The secret lies in how they organize, communicate, and apply their expertise by turning their ideas into memorable and useful frameworks that I call “signature methods.”

Signature methods elevate the value and reach of your ideas by making them easier to talk about, understand, and use.

In my previous blog post, I shared a mini-case study about how a client transformed her business by creating a signature method.

In this post, I share seven examples from industry leaders to inspire and guide you in creating your own.

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Confidently convey your unique expertise with this free tool

Imagine being on a crucial call with a perfect prospect client. As you talk about your services, doubt creeps in. Did your words convey your unique value, or did it sound like another generic offer?

Struggling to explain your expertise is a common struggle that leads to lost clients and opportunities.

That’s why I’ve created a worksheet that organizes your approach into a clear and memorable method in just 30 minutes. Enter…

The Signature Method Framework

Grab a free copy here (or at the link at the end).

A Signature Method distills your expertise into a distinctive, easy-to-understand framework that…

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Unlock the Secret to Attracting Your Dream Clients, Eager to Collaborate

Imagine this….

What if people from your social media following, email list, or network raised their hand to let you know when they needed your services?

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if we didn’t need to run launches, do pushy promotions, or chase leads to enroll clients?

It reminds me of a time in college. (Now stick with me here.) I liked a woman in my apartment complex. We’ll call her Amber. She was so smart, quirky, and fun.

I wanted to ask her out. The only problem was…I was too scared to do it!

What if she said no?!

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The truth about passive income with digital courses

Today, I want to address the myth that digital courses are a golden ticket to easy, scalable income and propose a better way to grow your coaching or consulting business.

Consider this question…

If you only got paid by clients if they got results, would you offer them a digital course? Or would you give them a program that offers support in addition to information?

The Passive Income Trap

In 2006, I launched my first digital course. While I genuinely wanted to help people, I was also focused on building a business that would give me more freedom in my lifestyle.

Internet business gurus of the time sold the alluring lifestyle dream of creating content once, setting up automated sales funnels, and watching the money roll in while I enjoyed more freedom.

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Unlock your potential and achieve work-life balance. Discover how to remove bottlenecks in your business and create a signature process.

How to remove yourself as the business bottleneck

Missed a previous installment in the Your Perfect Offer series? Read them here…

  1. Essential for Your Perfect Offer
  2. 5 Criteria for Identifying Your Ideal Clients
  3. Hamburgers, Toothaches, and Your Irresistible Offer


What do you want your life and business to look like in two years?

Do you have a picture of the people you want to impact, how much money you want to make, and most importantly, what you want your lifestyle to look like?

How many hours a week would you like to work while still growing your business?

I often ask this question of new clients. A common answer sounds something like this.

More than anything, I want to get to where I only work 20 hours a week so I can spend more time with my kids. I’d love to take Fridays off and spend at least a month on vacation every year.

As a follow-up, I ask them what they think is the number one obstacle in that vision. Without fail, the answer is something like this.

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