How effective is your messaging at gaining the attention of your intended market, earning their trust, and inspiring them to do business with you?

Is your expertise hurting your marketing?

On a scale of one to ten, how effective is your messaging at gaining the attention of your intended market, earning their trust, and inspiring them to do business with you?

When you talk to an ideal prospect, do they quickly understand how your offer will fulfill their needs, or is there a disconnect that causes promising prospects to tune out?

Research shows that the more expertise you have in your field, the harder it is to create marketing that is resonant and effective.

Sounds backward, doesn’t it?

The explanation lies in something called The Curse of Knowledge.

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Can you solve this puzzle in under 20 seconds?

Are you smarter than a first-grader?

Take a look at the puzzle in the image below. (You may need to click “Display Images” if you can’t see it.)

What is the number underneath the car?

The story goes that six-year-olds in Hong Kong solved the puzzle in under 20 seconds.

I admit I didn’t solve it so quickly when my girlfriend’s 10-year-old son shared it with me. Once I saw the answer, it seemed obvious.

As I analyzed my thought process, I realized I had jumped directly into math mode, using a detailed analysis of the sequence to unearth the relationship between the numbers.

16, 06, 68, 88, ??, 98

“Let’s see. They are all even. The answer is likely even. They are in ascending order except for the 06. So if I figure out why that 06 is in there, that will certainly point me to the answer.”

In the end, the solution was much more straightforward. Ready for the answer?


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One of my biggest mistakes as an entrepreneur

One of my biggest mistakes as an entrepreneur

2016 was a rough year for me, even more so than 2020, and dealing with the pandemic. It was the beginning of a couple of years of deep physical and emotional anxiety.

As my inner turmoil increased, my connection to the world diminished.

Go to that networking event? No way, too exhausted. Meet that friend for check-in and chat? I’d just feel inadequate. Put me out there on social media? No. Thank. You.

Unfortunately, this is common when someone deals with mental health challenges: they isolate themselves. Perhaps it’s due to shame. Perhaps it’s because of a lack of energy. Maybe it’s both and more.

As time went on, I isolated myself both personally and professionally more and more. Work opportunities started to dwindle (increasing my anxiety and continuing the cycle). Engagements and invitations stopped coming in. Fresh ideas and inspiration withered.

Bit by bit, my inner chatter told me I was getting less relevant than ever, which fed my sense of fatigue and self-doubt.

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Knowing your revenue capacity reveals what’s needed to reach your income goal (or if it’s even possible to reach with your current business model).

Know your revenue capacity to reach your income goal faster

“How much money do you want to make in 2022?”

I recently opened a client coaching session with this question.

She gave me an ambitious but doable revenue goal.

“Great! What ideas do you have so far for reaching that goal?” I asked in response.

She came back with the usual answers.

“Grow my email list.”

“Fill my classes with more people.”

“Maybe raise some of my prices.”

I nodded my head, then asked.

“Do you know your revenue capacity?”

She looked confused.

I looked back at her reassuringly. “Don’t worry; most people don’t know their revenue capacity. That’s why they’ll struggle to meet their income goals. But we’re not going to make that mistake. “

I continued.

“Let’s do a little thought experiment. If you woke up with twice as many people asking to work with you tomorrow, could you serve them all? What about 3x or 5x?”*

She replied, “I’d have to turn a lot of them away.”

This is the same answer many coaches and consultants give in response to this question.

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Online courses present an opportunity for brilliant people like you to not only grow your brand and business but to elevate the world with your knowledge and ideas.

10 Ways an Online Course Transforms Your Business

“Launching an online course has increased my income and transformed my business in ways I’d never imagined.”

I’ve been sharing a peek into the transformational experience of my client Alexandra when she started creating online courses during the pandemic.

You can read the first two parts of the case study at the links below.

Pt 1: The Vital First Steps When Launching an Online Course
Pt 2: How to Launch a Course in 3 Weeks

Today, I want to share more about the incredible benefits Alexandra has enjoyed from her first course to show what online courses can do for you.

Then, I’ll share with you a limited-time opportunity to work with me to launch your online course in just eight weeks, and at a fraction of my usual consulting fee.

Stacking the ROI

While debriefing with Alexandra about her first launch, we started by looking at the tangible results.

  1. She made 10k from the course pilot.
  2. She reached students in eleven countries.
  3. She attracted high-caliber students, including professors, directors, department chairs, and even her previous teachers and mentors.
  4. She received copious feedback about the impact of the course on her students’ lives and careers.
  5. Students from the course have invested in her other products and services.
  6. She enjoyed a significant ROI on the time and energy invested in the course.

Since then, she’s re-launched the course. She spends around 10-12 hours writing emails for the campaign, hosting Q&A calls, and interacting with students when she launches now. Her per-hour income for the course is higher than most of her other income sources.

Next, we talked about the intangible gains, some of which were unexpected. Here are some quotes from our conversation.

7) Clarify Your Brand and Body of Work

“I have a fairly ‘portfolio career.’ I choreograph, direct, teach, do private client work, mentor, and write. Creating a course illuminated that this topic is a throughline for my work. It clarified so many different aspects of my career and what I want to be doing. The course is also branding me in a way that feels very truthful, authentic, and close to my heart.”

8) Bring Ease and Inspiration to Other Aspects of Your Business

“Put this material together and has given me new perspective and ideas for my book. Working with clients and teaching classes is easier because I can pull from course materials. I’ve also noticed it’s inspired my art with new ideas.”

9) Further Your Vision

“It’s not just about the money for me. This course was a dream that I had in the back of my head for such a long time, but I didn’t even realize it. This crazy moment in time gave me the impetus to create it. It feels very timely and important to me.”

10) Uncover the Unique Aspects of Your Voice and Body of Work So You Stand Out in Your Industry

“I got a lot of feedback from my students that nobody is doing what I am doing in the way that I do it. But it’s something they have been looking for. It feels so good to know I have something special to offer that is helping people.”

I asked Alexandra what advice she would give to someone who is worried their market is saturated with online courses or that they have nothing unique to add.

“I genuinely feel everybody has something distinctive to offer, even if you’re in an industry that is flooded with online courses. Figure out what you do that’s particular to you: your point of view, experience, personality, relationship with your audience, or relationship with the material. The more personal, truthful, and specific you make your work, that’s when you find your students, and they see you through the noise.”

From Losing Half Her Income to Her Most Profitable Year Ever (and Growing)

When we started this case study, Alexandra had lost half of her income due to COVID. Her back was against the wall.

But she went on to have her most profitable 12 months ever because of her shift to online courses.

Today, her income continues to grow thanks to the five online courses she now offers. She gets to spend more time working from home and being with her two boys. She feels more freedom and control when it comes to the future of her career.

Since 2004, I’ve worked with thousands of students and hundreds of clients, helping them launch online courses. I’ve seen life-changing stories like Alexandra’s repeat themselves time and time again in every imaginable niche.

The online learning industry has grown steadily over the past decade. According to Berkshire-Hathaway: “The global e-learning market reached a value of US$ 222.2 Billion in 2020. Looking forward, the market is expected to grow at a rate of 12.7% annually during 2021-2026.”

The ship has not sailed on online courses. In many ways, it’s just pulling into the harbor.

Online courses present an opportunity for brilliant people like you to not only grow your brand and business but to elevate the world with your knowledge and ideas.

That’s why I created my Launch Your Course Workshop, an eight-week group coaching program where I guide you through the same process I used with clients like Alexandra to launch profitable and impactful online courses.

The workshop starts the week of Monday, November 15.

I’ve timed this program specifically to help you launch your first (or next) online course at the best time of the year: January. Your audience will be ready to invest at the start of a new year.

This program is for you, even if you have no idea yet which course to create. I’ll share my unique process for zeroing in on the perfect idea for you.

When you join Launch Your Course, you’ll get access to:

  • 8 live group coaching calls focused on implementation, support, and feedback.
  • Direct guidance and support from a like-minded group of course creators and me.
  • My library of video training and 15+ tools, templates, and scripts make the process frictionless.
  • My framework for promoting your online course, even if you don’t have a list.
  • And much more…

By the end of the program, you’ll have your course designed and launched without tech headaches, recording media, creating a course website, or setting up a sales funnel.

Those things can come after you’ve already proven your course and made money. I’ll show you how to set those things up as well when the time comes.

To get all of the details and enroll, check out Launch Your Course HERE >>>

You can also reach out to me here if you’d like to set up a brief call to discuss whether this is a good fit for you. Please include a mobile number where I can text you.