7 messaging must-haves for selling your course

One of the biggest questions when creating an online course or group program is how to get people to sign up.

In this post, I’ll share with you the keys to attracting the perfect customers, earning their trust, and inspiring them to buy.

But first, take a look at this quote from a client who went from dreading marketing her course to enjoying it.

At first, I felt daunted about how to market my group program. I worried about finding the right people and selling in a way that wouldn’t annoy or overwhelm them. But with your guidance, it felt effortless.

The response to my marketing campaigns has been amazing. I fill my courses easier than ever before, and people actually reply to thank me for my marketing content. They even respond to share very personal things, which moves me so much. You showed me how to market in a way that feels like a gift to the people I work with.

These campaigns generate $10,000 and up while also building a relationship with my audience that feels very meaningful. It’s also brought me more one-on-one clients and professional opportunities. Thanks to your approach, I now enjoy promoting my online courses.

Filling your courses requires crafting a proper customer journey consisting of messaging that does the following.

➡️ Shows that you understand their presenting pains and unfulfilled desires.

➡️ Presents them with a new way to look at their desired outcomes, their current circumstances, and the challenges holding them back. (I call this the Remarkability Factor and it’s crucial)

➡️ Shows how your solution to their top-of-mind needs and wants.

➡️ Answers any questions and removes any concerns that would keep them from investing in your course.

➡️ Uses stories, examples, and case studies to prove that your solution works AND that they are capable of making it work for them.

➡️ Gives them a taste of your process in a way that gives them an ah-ha moment or a quick win.

➡️ Shows them why they are better off investing in your solution now rather than waiting until later. In other words, it illuminates the opportunity cost of not moving forward with your solution in a spirit of service, not with shame or fear.

The goal is to guide your prospects through a set of content or touch points with your brand that conveys these messaging elements using language that is resonant to them.

Filling out your course or online program doesn’t need to be complicated. It doesn’t require using a complex launch or web of marketing channels.

How can you maximize the return on investment from the business growth strategies? This is where I turn to a strategy I call “Stack the ROI.”

7+ Unexpected Ways an Online Course Grows Your Business

How can you maximize the return on investment from the business growth strategies you invest your limited time, money, and energy into?

This is where I turn to a strategy I call “Stack the ROI.” Here’s how it works.

I look for an activity that has potential payoffs toward as many of my priority goals as possible. That way, if some of my expected returns don’t come to fruition, I’ve likely received a payoff in many other ways.

This is one of many reasons I love helping my clients launch online courses and group programs to scale their impact and income. While one-to-many offers like this are great for growing revenue and reach, they also deliver numerous other benefits, compounding the rewards.

Take a look at the following list she gave me of the ways she benefited from the new course we launched to grow her business.

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Over the past few years, I learned how to make networking feel authentic based on my strengths. Here's how.

How to Make Networking Work for You (Even If You’re an Introvert)

Networking as an introvert is difficult.

It takes a lot of energy to connect with people.

For introverts, networking feels like being back in high school, navigating social clicks, and trying to prove our worth.

And yet, you know that making the right connections can make or break your business.

For more than a decade as an entrepreneur, I avoided building, maintaining, and (therefore) benefitting from quality connections.

I knew I was costing myself valuable opportunities that could skyrocket my career, but I didn’t know how to make it feel natural. So I avoided it

Fast forward to today, and I hear my name associated with the title of the super-connector. My network delivers high-quality connections that turn into clients, podcast interviews, paid speaking opportunities, and more.

So what changed? I learned how to make networking feel authentic based on my strengths.

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How to Grow an Influential Network to Attract Bigger Clients and Opportunities

The perfect client.

A book deal.

A high-paid keynote.

Collaborating with top leaders in your industry.

A guest spot on a top-ranked podcast.

Whatever your grandest career goals may be, they all have one thing in common: you are one relationship away from making them happen.

It’s no secret that developing an influential network is the fastest path to realizing opportunities that will change your life and career.

Building an influential network is vital to be seen as a top-recognized authority in your space.

So ask yourself the following two questions.

  1. Do you have a strategy for consistently widening and deepening your sphere of influence?
  2. Do leaders in your industry think of you first for collaborations and opportunities that fall in your zone of genius?

If the answer to either of these questions is no, you have a giant hole in your growth strategy that will greatly slow the progress.


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You want to be recognized as a go-to authority and attract more significant opportunities to share your message. But what needs to change to get you to that next level?

5 biz growth multipliers for coaches and consultants

There comes a time for every coach or consultant where they start to feel the limitations of their business model.

You want to grow your income without working harder.

You want to extend beyond one-to-one services to impact more lives.

You want to attract a steady flow of new clients rather than chasing clients down.

You want to be recognized as a go-to authority and attract more significant opportunities to share your message.

But what needs to change to get you to that next level?

Business Growth Multipliers for Coaches and Consultants

As I’ve worked with coaches and consultants as a business strategist, I’ve noticed that there are vital shifts you need to make in your business model to remove the limitations and spark exponential growth as a coach or consultant.


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